Image for Joint injections- be sure what you are getting

Patients can be confused by what a joint injection entails and what is injected. Firstly most joint injections are for inflammation of the lining of the joint or synovitis that most commonly is cause is arthritis and the various forms included under that term such as Rheumatoid, Osteoarthritis and Psoriatic arthritis or Gout. Commonly joints are injected with Corticosteroid such as Triamcinilone or Depomedrone. The use of these drugs is supported by the various orthopaedic associations across the world. Their are other agents such as Hyaluronic Acid e.g Synvisc and Durolane which have been around for a while but the evidence for their use is weak and while some patients may benefit, current recommendations support a more predcitable benefit with steroid injection. Hence many of those other products are not covered by  under your drugs benefits. Most recently is the use of PRP or Plasma Rich Protein which requires having your blood taken spun down in a centrifuge and the super protein layer removed and injected into your joint. Private clinics can charge upto $5000 dollars for this. Personally I have seen no published research to date supporting the use of PRP for any Musculoskeletal or joint ailment. I would caution any patient in parting with large amounts of money for this product and you should ask any doctor proposing this injection to show you references or research supporting its efficacy or benefit.

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