Frequently asked patient questions.
Is there a cancellation list for surgery?
We don't have a cancellation list but make all attempts to accommodate and expedite patients surgery whenever possible.
I have stairs at home should I sleep downstairs?
We routinely encourage patients to stay in there own beds and use the stairs. Stairs are excellent rehab following surgery!
Will I set off the metal detector at airports?
Patients may set off the alarm at the airport but not always. You simply inform the security officer of your joint implant and point to the site of surgery. They have encountered many patients with metalwork in place. No amount of paperwork will exempt you from a pat down!
If I have a wound problem who should I call?
Any wound complication or any medical concern should be raised with your family doctor. They can help with most concerns but ANY WOUND CONCERN must be brought to the attention of Dr. Wood urgently either by yourself or your attending healthcare provider.
When can I go back to work?
Following joint replacement we recommend around 12 weeks or 3 months before returning to work. However each individual varies on their ability to return to work according to their occupation and progress and may be able to return sooner in some capacity.
What sports can I do after surgery?
Sports are not recommended in the fist 6 weeks following joint replacement surgery. We do encourage stationary cycling as a form of rehab. After 6 weeks we encourage a gradual return to recreational sports (e.g swimming, cycling, golf, gym workout). Any other impact sports or activities should be discussed with Dr. Wood who will be happy to advise and an appropriate time line for safe return.
What position is safe to sleep?
Immediately after surgery we recommend lying on your back, but you may sleep on your side with a pillow between your legs. Refrain from lying on your tummy until after 6 weeks.
Do I need antibiotics for dental work?
Dr. Wood recommends lifelong use of antibiotic before any dental work or cleaning if a lot of gum bleeding is usual. Similarly if your having any other form of surgery and guidelines are available for patients, dentists and doctors. View dental surgery antibiotic use guidelines.
How long do I go to physiotherapy?
Your physiotherapist oversees your rehabilitation. It is important you carry out the exercises and take control of your recovery. Many forgo therapy after 6 weeks but it varies and many like to continue for a period but seldom beyond 12 weeks.
What is a Discharge Plan?
This is your care plan for when you leave hospital. For most it means returning home to family. Those who live alone or may have concerns with managing at home following surgery have to make alternative arrangements for assistance. This should be discussed at pre-surgical screening visit with the nurses and bring it to Dr Wood attention. There is opportunity to provide help and formulate a plan for each individual after hospital but this has to be done ahead of time. Failure to have anticipated such issues will lead to cancellation of your surgery and other patients too.
Is Hip Resurfacing a smaller procedure , which means you dont need a hip replacement?
Hip Resurfacing is a hip replacement. The name suggest otherwise but Resurfacing is a form of hip replacement only used in specific patients. Read my section on Hip Resurfacing for more information.
When can I drive after hip or knee replacement?
Recommend 6 weeks. Studies have shown your reaction time for breaking etc is impaired and returns to normal near 6 weeks regardless of which leg it is
What is difference bewteen a spinal and an epidural anaethetic?
Spinal is a single injection into the lumber spine and gives loss sensation and power below the waist. Epidural is an indwelling catheter that is in a different area of the spine and allows motor control but gives pain relief. Spinal is used regularly to have a hip or knee surgery with great effect. Epidural mainly used in child birth

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