Image of doctors performing total knee replacement surgery in operating room.
X-ray image of knee that has undergone total knee surgery.
X-ray image of knee that has undergone total knee surgery, also showing knee implant.

What is a Total Knee Replacement?

Total Knee Replacement Surgery is performed for arthritic knees, wehre pain relief and function are the primary indicators. Since knee replacement does not restore your knee to its former youth. such surgery should only be undertaken when all non-operative measures have failed and the patient is substantially pained and disabled in everyday activities. Total knee replacement surgery is aimed at restoring function and reducing pain.

Partial Knee Replacements can be performed in certain circumstances, and Dr. Wood will discuss this option with you if he deems this a better approach.

Many types of knee replacements are available, but all work on the same basic design of a metal component at either end of the bone and plastic insert forming the new joint surface.

Success Rate & Risks

Patients undergoing a Total Knee Replacement surgery have a 90% success rate, with good pain relief function and are satisfied. Implants have a 95% 10-yr survival rate (i.e 95% of patients still have knee implants in place and functioning well at 10 years). After this time people start to wear or loosen their joints depending on usage.

The following complications can occur:

  • 5% chance of ongoing pain from the knee (unknown cause)
  • 5% chance of complications which can occur around the time of surgery

Dr. Wood performs over 150 knee surgeries per year.

Total Knee Replacement

Refer a Patient

Image of woman copying surgery pre-op instructions into a notebook.

Total Knee Replacement Surgery Pre-Op Instructions

Prior to surgery, all patients should have attended the pre-opertive assessment clinic at Hotel Dieu Hospital in Kingston. This will be arranged by Dr Wood’s office.

Check the date and hospital you are having your surgery. Surgeries can be performed at the Hotel Dieu Hospital or Kingston General Hospital.

All information pertaining to your surgery should be read. Copies of documentation are available in our Patient Resources section.

The day before surgery:

  • No food after midnight
  • No smoking
  • No alcohol
  • Check the time and place of arrival at Hospital
  • Prepare your belongings for hospital stay
  • Include medications, toiletries, clothing ,housecoat and slippers
  • Health Cards, Insurance Cards
  • Shower with the soap provided
  • Remove all nail polish and jewellery
  • Do not bring valuables to hospital

Joint Replacement Surgery

Man riding stationary bicycle-like machine for knee replacement rehabilitation.

Total Knee Replacement Surgery Rehab Instructions

Patients having total knee replacement surgery are often mobilizing the same day as their operation and are typically full weight bearing. Your hospital stay will typically be 2 to 3 days and prior to discharge you will be walking independently, managing stairs, dressing and toileting yourself.

Precautions for the first 6 weeks include:

  • No Driving
  • No weight training
  • No crossing legs
  • Stationary Cycling allowed
  • Plenty of Walking

Knee Replacement Rehab Guide